Masuk Daftar

kaca depan bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "kaca depan"
  • kaca:    glass; pane; meth; deoxyephedrine;
  • depan:    face of; fore; advance; forward; front; head;
  • kaca depan jelas:    clear view screen
  • kaca depan mobil:    windshield; windscreen
  • klep kaca depan:    visor
  • depan:    face of; fore; advance; forward; front; head; future; before; coming; prow; subsequent; next; in front of; forthcoming; face; bow; in front; following; upcoming; ahead; speedy; frontal
  • kaca:    glass; pane; meth; deoxyephedrine; methamphetamine; mirror; cider; methamphetamine hydrochloride; ice; shabu; sherry; chalk; cyder; trash; crank; methedrine; chicken feed
  • ahad depan:    next sunday
  • angin-depan:    contrary wind
  • bagian depan:    fore; fore and aft; frontage; obverse; facade; front
  • bahagian depan:    fore; front
  • baris depan:    front row
  • barisan depan:    vanguard; forefront; head; van; cutting edge
  • berkata depan:    prepositional
  • buka depan:    frontage
  • The pilot shot his lunch all over the windshield.
    Pilot ditembak makan siangnya seluruh kaca depan.
  • You're the one that put it in the visor.
    Kau yang menaruhnya di klep kaca depan.
  • Yeah, tell Jerry the Enzo's windshield is shattered.
    Ya, katakan Jerry kaca depan Enzo hancur.
  • Brake disc, clutch, oil filter and a cracked windshield.
    Rem, kopling, minyak filter Dan kaca depan pecah.
  • Really, Darrell, you need to clean your windshield.
    Sungguh, Darrell, Anda perlu untuk membersihkan kaca depan Anda.
  • You almost splattered nature all over the windshield.
    Anda hampir berhamburan alam seluruh kaca depan.
  • Took a dump on the windshield of Woodruff's Cadillac.
    Aku Buang air di kaca depan Cadillac Woodruff.
  • You can actually look through your windshield now.
    Kini kau bisa melihat melalui kaca depan.
  • Oh' lost my windscreen just out of Maree.
    Oh 'kehilangan kaca depan ku hanya keluar dari Maree.
  • Like watching a bug hit a speeding windshield.
    Seperti menyaksikan serangga tertabrak kaca depan mobil.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5